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KamboMD 05-15-2023 10:49 AM

Preferred GAP tool?
I hear about the GAP tools, but when looking on amazon its a bit confusing as the reviews on some are saying they are limited, or out of date -

This is the one I was looking at, if you have another you are perfectly happy with, could you link it in here for me? Thank you

DonMitsu 05-15-2023 12:38 PM

I'm curious to see if anyone has tried other alternatives. I used the GAP tool with my LR4 and loved it. When we bought the Defender it wasn't compatible, and I've been waiting to see what the best solution is moving forward.

SilverSFR 05-15-2023 01:57 PM

OBD2 Scanner tools and GAP (Name Brand - tool are two different things. GAP Tool The GAP IID Tool is a OBD Scanner and well as a tool to CODE in/Change additional functions for your vehicle. GAP is the only tool that so far that has been mentioned on this site to work both as a OBD2 scanner and programmer for our defenders. On the defenders its limited functionality. Hopefully more will be reviewed and talked about.

Another scanner/coder tool in the works is the new OBDEleven OBD Scanner Programmer tool. OBDEleven This has not been released yet for LRJ vehicles but they are working on it. Very cool setup with an interesting cost model. Works great for VW and AUDI's as well as other EURO vehicles.

stevemfr 05-17-2023 09:33 AM

As Silver said (thanks much, btw), GAP is our brand name. We have no resellers on Amazon (yet anyway).

If you're thinking of 3 letter acronyms for a diagnostic tool it would be OBD or On Board Diagnostics. This is an open standard required by law for emissions testing on all vehicles (OBD2 is the current standard). As it is an open standard, it requires next to no work by a diagnostic tool manufacturer to implement. That is why you can find OBD bluetooth dongles on ebay and Amazon for $20 that look very similar to our dongles. But they only have very basic functionality and only cover emissions related systems (engine and auto trans). And the $20 dongles do not always work very well. Full coverage on all systems including special items such as CCF programming (car configuration) is only available through the IIDTool in an aftermarket (non-dealer) system.

We have just released the firmware for the L663. Understanding what the differences are in diagnostic equipment is difficult - especially if you don't have a background in automotive mechanics. We have done our best to make the IIDTool user friendly, tho. 98% of the 15k units we have sold over the past 10 years are in private, non-professional hands. And we provide support.

My honest advice for someone looking, tho, is to either buy something inexpensive such as the iCarsoft (which is not available for later Land Rovers yet as far as I am aware) for around $75 or bite the bullet and spend the money on an IIDTool. The in-between solutions are just not worth it. Take that for what its worth as I am affiliated with GAP, but it is meant in good faith.

SilverSFR 05-17-2023 09:49 AM

Stevemfr, Thanks for the update. Your IIDtools works well for CCF but does take a little know how and some googling to figure out. You guys need to turn your CCF functions into little mini apps that one can just click and implement. I mentioned OBDEleven as a competitor of yours and there setup does just that.... just not for LRJ yet... They Wrap specific CCF coding into little mini apps that can be launched within the tools app. Very specific and very precise click to run app and easily backed out if needed. Food for thought.

_Allegedly 05-17-2023 10:04 AM

@stevemfr will you please post here when it's available for the 663?

Thank you!

lightning 05-17-2023 12:30 PM

lt's available now for the L663, l received mine two weeks ago.

_Allegedly 05-17-2023 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by lightning (Post 865310)
lt's available now for the L663, l received mine two weeks ago.

Okay, how do we get it?

lightning 05-17-2023 02:42 PM

The L663 version is not yet officially released but they will sell you what they call the "Beta" version which is where they are at the moment with it.

A lot of people have bought the unit and it seems to work well.

_Allegedly 05-18-2023 07:55 AM

This is destined to be a top seller. AS-S disable with GAP tool.

GrouseK9 05-19-2023 10:54 AM

I just ordered one yesterday and those of you can be sure that I will post a LOT about what I do/find out/learn. Lucky8 just nailed how to turn on/off the auto-start. I'm sure that there are a lot of innovators/start ups who will not be pleased with the community approach! Knowledge has always been money, but my challenge has always been proximity to those selling the services. Sorry guys!

starbai 05-26-2023 03:35 PM

Soooo got that IID yet? How's it going? lol

GrouseK9 05-26-2023 05:25 PM

Got it this week! Downloaded the Installer, loaded the app, sync'd everything up but haven't plugged it into the Defender yet so I haven't bricked it... I have a lot on the "chore list" this weekend, but as soon as I have a chance I'll try it out and report back. So far on my short list is to: add wifi; kill Auto Start/Stop; and, look for any ClearView settings in prep for a retrofit. I ordered my Defender with all the off-road options so I have those already (except the eDiff which they dropped on the MY switch that I'm still bitter about, but that's a post-warranty mod for me). I'm likely not going to do a lot of tweaking I'm just a fond proponent of "right to repair" and am planning on educating myself before serious need.

starbai 05-26-2023 05:37 PM

Originally Posted by GrouseK9 (Post 866356)
Got it this week! Downloaded the Installer, loaded the app, sync'd everything up but haven't plugged it into the Defender yet so I haven't bricked it... I have a lot on the "chore list" this weekend, but as soon as I have a chance I'll try it out and report back. So far on my short list is to: add wifi; kill Auto Start/Stop; and, look for any ClearView settings in prep for a retrofit. I ordered my Defender with all the off-road options so I have those already (except the eDiff which they dropped on the MY switch that I'm still bitter about, but that's a post-warranty mod for me). I'm likely not going to do a lot of tweaking I'm just a fond proponent of "right to repair" and am planning on educating myself before serious need.

If I could ask, when you have time. There are two more things I want to....

There is a thing called Approach Lock and Unlocking. Basically makes the car unlock when it senses the key near by and lock when the key moves away. I had it on my X5 and while its no big deal really, its a feature I found myself missing dearly. Second, 'they say' dynamic mode can be toggled on with the tool. I guess this question only applies if you have a P400 like I do. But would its THE functionality that would make me spend the money on this thing if true. Lastly is Clear Sight (which I know needs the hardware separately) but thats already on your list.

Much appreciated in advance. Good luck! I'm rooting for ya! :)

GrouseK9 05-30-2023 08:27 AM

Ok, so this weekend I finally had a chance to play around with the GAP tool. First off: LOVE it. Definitely worth the $$. Ymmv. The ability to check faults, services, yada yada. And the access to the CCF. Here's the link to where I got mine from Lucky8 (shipped fast): Link and the documentation from the GAP company Link. Paul at the GAP is VERY responsive. I got the one VIN use only version. For 5x the cost, you can get an unlimited version - but not for me. The documentation was pretty good and the set up/sync was pretty flawless. You need the mobile app to connect to it. I HIGHLY recommend (especially if you have an MHEV) to put a battery charger on it while playing around with it. Here's mine:

I added the Defender 007 logo and immediately enabled the Auto Start/Stop memory. So far it seems to work, though the "Off light" isn't on. I'll report back if it doesn't stick. Also added wifi, though I don't think I'm a use case for it. I searched for ClearView (for a future retrofit) and couldn't find it. I'll keep digging. But I have to admit, there are HUNDREDS of CCF configs and many of them are a bit vague. It was kind of like using a chainsaw. The entire time, I had a distinct awareness that any carelessness could result in immediate and catastrophic trauma. So, I was on my highly-aware A game the entire time. Which sadly is a D- game for anyone who's a professional mechanic.

Here were some interesting settings that I didn't enable, change, or touch. I just looked at it. I like catching any snake (venomous or not) that I find on my property but I'm not stupid enough to mess with these settings!!
EUCD-011 Fuel Tank, Volume. Current: 50L. Could go to 66L. This could be useful if/when I get a Long Ranger.
EUCD-014 Headlights, Type. Current: Matrix LED AFS123/THB. No idea what that means, but the Matrix seemed interesting. Not sure if it is THAT matrix headlights.
EUCD-059 Parking Assistance. Current: Without Parking Assistance. Something to explore. May try to add this.
EUCD-099 Parking Assistance Camera. Current: Without Parking Assistance Camera. Likely used with above. If this activates a hardware upgrade, then I'm out.
EUCD-199 Night Vision. Current: Not Configured. Oooohhhh!!! That could be cool. Likely a different Brand/Model or needs HW. Would LOVE that.
EUCD-225 Advanced Chauffeur Function. Current: Advanced Chauffeur Function Not Fitted. I need one of these!! Likely something for the Jag line up.
MultiCAN-458 Sunset Clause. Current: Sunset Clause Disabled. This one seemed pretty ominous.
MultiCAN518 Armored Vehicle. Current: Standard. Oh yeah!! This could be cool. Likely another Jaguar option.
MultiCan- Max Vehicle Speed. Current: LIMIT_191_KPH. This could get some people stupid. I'm out, but it could be reset up to 286 or 322.
MultiCan-677 Mild HybridType. Current: MHEV System Not Implemented. As an owner of a Dynamic HSE, this one had me confused. Likely why the battery drains so damn easily!

Anyway, there are hundreds of others for every CanBus out there. Look forward to seeing how the awareness on these builds. Two things I'll keep digging around for: ClearView if needed for a future retrofit and I'd be interested if the cell booster could be enabled full time and not just when wirelessly charging.

NOTE: I did ping GAP and Paul responded that while the L663 says Beta, they send you all the L663 when it syncs. So, no need to "register" for a Beta. Just that it hasn't been explored as much as many of the other Makes/Models and, as always, you're on your own if you change anything.

@starbai - Yep, in there. I have no idea what they do, could do, yada yada or any other disclaimer re: what happens if they are changed.

starbai 05-30-2023 09:04 AM

Thanks @GrouseK9 ! Super appreciative for the write up/feedback. The cost is still a bit of a tough pill to swallow for me. But if you or someone else eventually can confirm that Dynamic mode is something that can be enabled. Its the only shove I need to pull the trigger. I'll keep following the thread and hope that Lucky8 puts out some more vids on what they were and were not able to enable.

Of course I'm also a bit apprehensive on tweaking while in warranty. Which for me is 7/100k miles. Obviously if I screw up something major on my own its my fault. But if I were to enable Dynamic mode or something else that's working flawlessly and no problems, then take the vehicle in for something completely unrelated but they see a 'flash or edit' to the CCF and decide to void the entire warranty... I'm effed. I know in the US we have laws against this, but its not without headache to deal with if they really want to be a pain in the ass about it. (escalations to corporate and the like).

GrouseK9 05-30-2023 01:33 PM

Yes, Dynamic mode can be enabled. @markjlr is one that may be doing it the longest. I've not heard of anything/anyone having it reset. Ping him w/ a pm for details. There are others who are in the "biz" as well who do it for a fee.

_Allegedly 05-30-2023 05:16 PM

That's automatic parking? Supposed to be coming soon.

nashvegas 05-30-2023 07:51 PM

Yes, @starbai -- can confirm that it's relatively easy to activate dynamic mode with the Gap tool. I did it on myself on my 2020 P400 110 X.

Pangea123 05-31-2023 10:59 PM

Can it disable the seatbelt chime?

Dan Hairy 06-03-2023 05:50 AM

Originally Posted by Pangea123 (Post 866862)
Can it disable the seatbelt chime?

Yes it can:thumbsup: I've done it on mine

Dan Hairy 06-03-2023 05:54 AM

Originally Posted by GrouseK9 (Post 866605)
Ok, so this weekend I finally had a chance to play around with the GAP tool. First off: LOVE it. Definitely worth the $$. Ymmv. The ability to check faults, services, yada yada. And the access to the CCF. Here's the link to where I got mine from Lucky8 (shipped fast): Link and the documentation from the GAP company Link. Paul at the GAP is VERY responsive. I got the one VIN use only version. For 5x the cost, you can get an unlimited version - but not for me. The documentation was pretty good and the set up/sync was pretty flawless. You need the mobile app to connect to it. I HIGHLY recommend (especially if you have an MHEV) to put a battery charger on it while playing around with it. Here's mine:

I added the Defender 007 logo and immediately enabled the Auto Start/Stop memory. So far it seems to work, though the "Off light" isn't on. I'll report back if it doesn't stick. Also added wifi, though I don't think I'm a use case for it. I searched for ClearView (for a future retrofit) and couldn't find it. I'll keep digging. But I have to admit, there are HUNDREDS of CCF configs and many of them are a bit vague. It was kind of like using a chainsaw. The entire time, I had a distinct awareness that any carelessness could result in immediate and catastrophic trauma. So, I was on my highly-aware A game the entire time. Which sadly is a D- game for anyone who's a professional mechanic.

Here were some interesting settings that I didn't enable, change, or touch. I just looked at it. I like catching any snake (venomous or not) that I find on my property but I'm not stupid enough to mess with these settings!!
EUCD-011 Fuel Tank, Volume. Current: 50L. Could go to 66L. This could be useful if/when I get a Long Ranger.
EUCD-014 Headlights, Type. Current: Matrix LED AFS123/THB. No idea what that means, but the Matrix seemed interesting. Not sure if it is THAT matrix headlights.
EUCD-059 Parking Assistance. Current: Without Parking Assistance. Something to explore. May try to add this.
EUCD-099 Parking Assistance Camera. Current: Without Parking Assistance Camera. Likely used with above. If this activates a hardware upgrade, then I'm out.
EUCD-199 Night Vision. Current: Not Configured. Oooohhhh!!! That could be cool. Likely a different Brand/Model or needs HW. Would LOVE that.
EUCD-225 Advanced Chauffeur Function. Current: Advanced Chauffeur Function Not Fitted. I need one of these!! Likely something for the Jag line up.
MultiCAN-458 Sunset Clause. Current: Sunset Clause Disabled. This one seemed pretty ominous.
MultiCAN518 Armored Vehicle. Current: Standard. Oh yeah!! This could be cool. Likely another Jaguar option.
MultiCan- Max Vehicle Speed. Current: LIMIT_191_KPH. This could get some people stupid. I'm out, but it could be reset up to 286 or 322.
MultiCan-677 Mild HybridType. Current: MHEV System Not Implemented. As an owner of a Dynamic HSE, this one had me confused. Likely why the battery drains so damn easily!

Anyway, there are hundreds of others for every CanBus out there. Look forward to seeing how the awareness on these builds. Two things I'll keep digging around for: ClearView if needed for a future retrofit and I'd be interested if the cell booster could be enabled full time and not just when wirelessly charging.

NOTE: I did ping GAP and Paul responded that while the L663 says Beta, they send you all the L663 when it syncs. So, no need to "register" for a Beta. Just that it hasn't been explored as much as many of the other Makes/Models and, as always, you're on your own if you change anything.

@starbai - Yep, in there. I have no idea what they do, could do, yada yada or any other disclaimer re: what happens if they are changed.

You have to remember that there are a lot of settings in the ccf and not all of them apply to the Defender so there will be things in there that can't be enabled:thumbsup:

stevemfr 06-03-2023 06:52 AM

Dan is absolutely correct in that there are many settings that don't apply to the Defender.

LR's diagnostic SW covers the entire vehicle range. The CCF list also covers the entire range. There are some items that are obviously Defender, but many that are generic and could apply to any or all models. The only way to determine what works and what doesn't is through trial and error. As we are a small company and don't have access to all vehicle models/types/configurations, we usually work with our users to confirm what will work and what doesn't. As such, once the SW has been in the field a while, it will be like what we already have in place for the older vehicles: the will be a "confirmed" CCF list for a particular vehicle type, and a "complete" list containing the rest of the CCF settings. This way, users who are looking for a particular setting still have the opportunity to try unconfirmed items.

Just as a bit of additional info since this was a topic somewhat further up in the thread: we have sold around 15k IIDTools in the past 10 years. The vast majority of these are in private (non-pro) user hands. For this reason, we've tried to make it as foolproof as possible. The IIDTool reads the original vehicle settings and saves the back-up files. If anything untoward happens when changes are made and you can "restore" back to original settings. We've not lost a vehicle yet. :p

TSS73 06-03-2023 01:06 PM

Is there a pretty easy to save CCF files and then just put back the factory setting when it goes in for service. Then put it back after?

Dan Hairy 06-03-2023 05:04 PM

When you first plug the tool in it takes a copy of your as built CCF file and it takes about 2 minutes to return the car to as built. You can't save a modified ccf file but what you can do is to save all your favourite settings in a separate list so when you want to return your car to its modified state it would just be a case of working down the list and clicking enable etc to restore your changes. At least that's how I do it:thumbsup:

TSS73 06-03-2023 08:06 PM

Sounds like a pretty easy fix for those concerned about warranty issues. Thank you!

KamboMD 06-06-2023 11:28 AM

If I'm just wanting to reset the memory on my transmission, what tool should I buy? Awhile back I made this post because someone mentioned getting a GAP tool to help reset transmission if the transmission shifts weirdly when braking.

Nelulepra 06-13-2023 12:26 PM

Originally Posted by GrouseK9 (Post 866605)
Ok, so this weekend I finally had a chance to play around with the GAP tool. First off: LOVE it. Definitely worth the $$. Ymmv. The ability to check faults, services, yada yada. And the access to the CCF. Here's the link to where I got mine from Lucky8 (shipped fast): Link and the documentation from the GAP company Link. Paul at the GAP is VERY responsive. I got the one VIN use only version. For 5x the cost, you can get an unlimited version - but not for me. The documentation was pretty good and the set up/sync was pretty flawless. You need the mobile app to connect to it. I HIGHLY recommend (especially if you have an MHEV) to put a battery charger on it while playing around with it. Here's mine:

I added the Defender 007 logo and immediately enabled the Auto Start/Stop memory. So far it seems to work, though the "Off light" isn't on. I'll report back if it doesn't stick. Also added wifi, though I don't think I'm a use case for it. I searched for ClearView (for a future retrofit) and couldn't find it. I'll keep digging. But I have to admit, there are HUNDREDS of CCF configs and many of them are a bit vague. It was kind of like using a chainsaw. The entire time, I had a distinct awareness that any carelessness could result in immediate and catastrophic trauma. So, I was on my highly-aware A game the entire time. Which sadly is a D- game for anyone who's a professional mechanic.

Here were some interesting settings that I didn't enable, change, or touch. I just looked at it. I like catching any snake (venomous or not) that I find on my property but I'm not stupid enough to mess with these settings!!
EUCD-011 Fuel Tank, Volume. Current: 50L. Could go to 66L. This could be useful if/when I get a Long Ranger.
EUCD-014 Headlights, Type. Current: Matrix LED AFS123/THB. No idea what that means, but the Matrix seemed interesting. Not sure if it is THAT matrix headlights.
EUCD-059 Parking Assistance. Current: Without Parking Assistance. Something to explore. May try to add this.
EUCD-099 Parking Assistance Camera. Current: Without Parking Assistance Camera. Likely used with above. If this activates a hardware upgrade, then I'm out.
EUCD-199 Night Vision. Current: Not Configured. Oooohhhh!!! That could be cool. Likely a different Brand/Model or needs HW. Would LOVE that.
EUCD-225 Advanced Chauffeur Function. Current: Advanced Chauffeur Function Not Fitted. I need one of these!! Likely something for the Jag line up.
MultiCAN-458 Sunset Clause. Current: Sunset Clause Disabled. This one seemed pretty ominous.
MultiCAN518 Armored Vehicle. Current: Standard. Oh yeah!! This could be cool. Likely another Jaguar option.
MultiCan- Max Vehicle Speed. Current: LIMIT_191_KPH. This could get some people stupid. I'm out, but it could be reset up to 286 or 322.
MultiCan-677 Mild HybridType. Current: MHEV System Not Implemented. As an owner of a Dynamic HSE, this one had me confused. Likely why the battery drains so damn easily!

Anyway, there are hundreds of others for every CanBus out there. Look forward to seeing how the awareness on these builds. Two things I'll keep digging around for: ClearView if needed for a future retrofit and I'd be interested if the cell booster could be enabled full time and not just when wirelessly charging.

NOTE: I did ping GAP and Paul responded that while the L663 says Beta, they send you all the L663 when it syncs. So, no need to "register" for a Beta. Just that it hasn't been explored as much as many of the other Makes/Models and, as always, you're on your own if you change anything.

@starbai - Yep, in there. I have no idea what they do, could do, yada yada or any other disclaimer re: what happens if they are changed.

Is your tool the IDTool BT G3 or the IIDTool Pro G3? On the description looks like only the Pro G3 is able to modify the ccf file

Dan Hairy 06-13-2023 12:42 PM

It's the IID Tool BT G3 that you want, that is capable of doing ccf edits. :thumbsup:

starbai 06-13-2023 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by Dan Hairy (Post 868152)
It's the IID Tool BT G3 that you want, that is capable of doing ccf edits. :thumbsup:

Stupid question, but what is the function of the USB cable supplied? I was under the impression that it connects to the mobile device via BT. Is there a desktop application or something that is also supported?

Dan Hairy 06-13-2023 01:59 PM

The USB cable is for updating the firmware on the actual tool, you would need to connect it to either your Mac or PC to update it when they are available. In general use you just connect it to your phone or tablet

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