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collin Barrows 03-17-2012 11:45 PM

Not shifting?
A couple of my friends and I went off roading on a powerline trail, we tried going threw some marshy area and wound up stuck, I made the classic mistake of digging a rut underneath my rover. Long story short I had a family friend who owns a towing bussiness tow me out this morning. when I ernt to start her she fired up like nothing had happend. but as I left the trail and met paved roads she didn't shift. I had her in Drive and was crusing at 30 MPH's at 3000 Rpm! I know my Rover pretty well and it felt like she wanted to shift but just didn't. She is caked in georgia red clay.
I'm planing on washing the undercarriage tomorrow afternoon. will this help? Has anyone ever had the same problem?

thanks for your time

(P.S yes I know what I was doing was highly stupid and dumbassish(

Savannah Buzz 03-18-2012 06:32 AM

Sounds like you have mud and trash jamming the shifter, and you really stuck in CDL low range. For those that have not been mired in red Georgia clay - it has amazing adhesive qualties and is quite thick. When dried out, it makes bricks, when baked at the right temperature.

as for yes I know what I was doing was highly stupid and dumbassish - that is part of good judgement, which comes from experience, which comes from bad judgement. But take some pictures next time so the rest of us may learn and laugh along the way. An evening spent getting a Rover unstuck is better than one spent waiting on I-285 for the traffic to move another 18 inches.

Spike555 03-18-2012 09:54 AM

Sounds like you are still in lo range with the transfer case.
You need to clean all the mud off first.
Check all fluids for water ingress.
Then change them accordingly.
Clean her up, it's all going to be ok.

collin Barrows 03-18-2012 10:40 AM

I will check it out! and I did take pics! I just need tp get them off my dads camera to my laptop!

Savannah Buzz 03-18-2012 10:51 AM

If you got deep enough to get mud on top of the transfer case may want to remove rear axle banjo bolt and blow out vent line, which ends near transfer case.

Danny Lee 97 Disco 03-19-2012 03:15 PM

When you were off roading, did you leave the transfer in case in high or did you put it in low?

Did you use the diff lock to prevent getting stuck in the mud? Did you ever lock the Center Differential? Use of the CDL will often prevent fgetting stuck. I always engage mine as soon as the conditions allow and do not wait to get stuck and then engage it. Just my style of off-roading.

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