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discoveringlandrover 04-09-2021 06:44 AM

Originally Posted by robertf (Post 769063)
Regulator modulates the power output.

Stop spewing nonsense.

When the battery is fully charged, does the alternator stop spinning? No, it doesn't.

The regulator has nothing to do with the process I'm talking about. If the alternator is still spinning, it's still producing electricity, even if it's not being sent to the battery. It's still a dead end for the energy and not all energy is being used from the alternator at all times, it's just being wasted in the form of heat.

To make it simple for you... unless the alternator stops spinning then there is still parasitic drag on the engine of the car. It doesn't matter if a regular is installed or not.

Alternators in cars have a fixed window of electrical production. They are not going to produce an unlimited amount of power and they are not going to stop working unless they are physically decoupled from the car, even if the energy is sent through a regulator, the alternator is still working the energy is just not being sent to the battery. And it's totally possible to have a car that physically decouples the alternator from the car, but I've yet to see or hear of a vehicle that does that and even if a vehicle does that, that is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Kind of an inane off-topic comment.

And again, the HHO converter can theoretically work off of energy that would otherwise be wasted from the alternator or even from a regenerative braking system... this would just increase the efficiency of a 20% efficient combustion engine/vehicle. It's not a difficult concept. HHO has at least more than 3 times the energy as petroleum (gasoline) so only 1/3 or less of it is needed to replace the same amount of gasoline and, if you remember from your previous science less I gave you above, gasoline has to be vaporized before it will burn and doesn't burn or explode by itself since it has no oxygen, gasoline requires the addition of more work and more time to mix it with oxygen. And again HHO doesn't require these extra steps to burn it. HHO from water is actually a far better fuel than standard petroleum (gasoline) especially because it burns cool with no toxic pollution. This is why most experts predict that Hydrogen (the H in HHO) will be the future of energy production spanning the entire globe.

Xanthro 04-09-2021 07:34 AM

'' You never know who you are talking to online, I could be your college science teacher for all you know''
No, you could not.

robertf 04-09-2021 07:44 AM

Originally Posted by discoveringlandrover (Post 769064)
When the battery is fully charged, does the alternator stop spinning? No, it doesn't.

Its an electromagnet, regulator drops out the magnetic field, load on engine drops

Richard Gallant 04-09-2021 11:50 AM

Big thing to note in all of these discussions many of the HHO systems add a catalyst to the water to improve gas production, so the comments re alternator output are valid. As are the comments about ECU fueling adjustments.

And here is the science bit

While it can be done the the cost outlay may be prohibitive or simply take too long to recover the cost.

Kit cost 1500 CDN
Represents 1000 liters of fuel
For me that is a about 12 tanks
About 5000 km
If I get 30% more range that give me about 6500 Km
or a little over 3 tanks of fuel so I save 270 -300 more less over that time as my Disco is not daily driver maybe 500 in a year so 2 to 3 years to pay off the investment plus catalyst costs.
If I run regular gas closer to 4 years
The catalyst cost about 20.00 CDN every 4 months so that is another 240 so call it a 4th year

The math just does not work for me,as well the system is pretty variable as to mileage gains even with the chip. So to me overall it is just not there.

discoveringlandrover 04-09-2021 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by robertf (Post 769074)
Its an electromagnet, regulator drops out the magnetic field, load on engine drops

The electromagnetic resistance decreases, but does not disappear. If you move a magnet through a loop or a coil you produce a current, even with a regulator. Regulators can't drop out a magnetic field.

Notice they say "reduces" not eliminates.

"The voltage regulator monitors the voltage coming out of the alternator and, when it reaches a threshold of about 14.5 volts, the regulator reduces the current in the rotor to weaken the magnetic field. When the voltage drops below this threshold, the current to the rotor is increased."

Next please.

discoveringlandrover 04-09-2021 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by Richard Gallant (Post 769095)
Big thing to note in all of these discussions many of the HHO systems add a catalyst to the water to improve gas production, so the comments re alternator output are valid. As are the comments about ECU fueling adjustments.

And here is the science bit

While it can be done the the cost outlay may be prohibitive or simply take too long to recover the cost.

Kit cost 1500 CDN
Represents 1000 liters of fuel
For me that is a about 12 tanks
About 5000 km
If I get 30% more range that give me about 6500 Km
or a little over 3 tanks of fuel so I save 270 -300 more less over that time as my Disco is not daily driver maybe 500 in a year so 2 to 3 years to pay off the investment plus catalyst costs.
If I run regular gas closer to 4 years
The catalyst cost about 20.00 CDN every 4 months so that is another 240 so call it a 4th year

The math just does not work for me,as well the system is pretty variable as to mileage gains even with the chip. So to me overall it is just not there.

Any talented high school scientist can make one of these with enough trial and error, but don't try it due to the explosive and deadly nature of working with fuels like hydrogen. You could die. So don't try this at home. This is just an academic discussion.

If you study more about HHO you find that a catalyst isn't needed, but seawater already has a catalyst and is one of most abundant things on the planet and never goes away, it's just changed from gas back to liquid. Scientists in Mexico also invented a way to heat and cook with using urine, which already has a catalyst as well and produces more hydrogen than just water.

These systems are made by individuals on small budgets, but did you know that nuclear submarines use HHO?

"Oxygen in submarines is produced by putting sea water through a process of electrolysis. Submarines typically have a couple of big oxygen tanks as well, used to quickly raise oxygen concentration if the system fails. ... Waste CO2 is released into the sea whenever it's possible";s%20possible.

The truth is that HHO energy is a guarded top secret technology so they don't want the regular people to have it yet. Even the exact chemical formula for gasoline is a guarded secret... don't believe me? Google the chemical formula for gasoline and copy/paste it here in reply.

discoveringlandrover 04-09-2021 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by Xanthro (Post 769071)
'' You never know who you are talking to online, I could be your college science teacher for all you know''
No, you could not.

I was only talking about people who actually went to college, don't worry, you are safe.

robertf 04-09-2021 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by discoveringlandrover (Post 769114)
I was only talking about people who actually went to college, don't worry, you are safe.

i would love to hear your c.v.

youre confusing the behavior of magnetos from lawn equipment charging systems with 1960ish and up nonpermanent magnet charging systems

discoveringlandrover 04-09-2021 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by robertf (Post 769126)
i would love to hear your c.v.

youre confusing the behavior of magnetos from lawn equipment charging systems with 1960ish and up nonpermanent magnet charging systems

I was simplifying what an alternator is and original car alternators were magnetos. Even so, even a regulated alternator is not cutting 100% of power ever, even when the battery is charged, so you are making moot points.

While you're at it why don't you explain how an alternator works and why cars drive fine with a dead battery or even no and with no permanent magnet in an alternator and no source of current to power the electro-magnet. This should be interesting.

robertf 04-09-2021 06:26 PM

I could, but you wouldn’t understand most of the words so Ill save the typing

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