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Gas 07-02-2011 04:17 PM

Just to update you. Took the car and checked up thevradiator and been advised that it's elements are clogged but they have been able to clean it properly and went again with it on a Family Desert drive and everything went fantastic! No overpresure!

Spike555 07-02-2011 07:14 PM

If the temp gauge on the dash is not giving a accurate reading then you need to replace the temp sending unit for the gauge.
It is located on the top front of the engine behind the alternator.

Spike555 07-02-2011 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by DiscoBenjamin (Post 254439)
Just to clarify what Daryl is saying is that the Temp Gauge in the Disco has a really wide temperature tolerance, so small movements on the needle mean huge changes in temperature, and by the time the needle has pushed above the centerline, you have already overheated. Just to confirm, are you saying that the needle was pegged at the centerline during all of your coolant explosions?

All temp gauges on all cars are this way, if they were to sensitive people would be taking there car into the shop every other day because they would think it was overheating.
The average driver only wants to know if the engine is going to explode not what the actual temp of it is, thats why there are no numbers on the gauge.
So if the needle is in the "normal" range dont worry about it just keep going, unless you are boiling over or loosing coolant.
If the manufacture has determined that 3/4 of the way up the gauge is fine then its fine.
Land Rover knows exactly how hot the engine must be for total meltdown.
Thats why there is also a temp warning light, if that comes on then you are done, time for a new engine.

DarylJ 07-02-2011 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by Spike555 (Post 255271)
All temp gauges on all cars are this way

Don't paint with such a broad brush.

People who see vehicles as appliances don't understand the difference or want real gauges. People who enjoy driving and pushing things to limits want real gauges.

Every Porsche I've owned had a real temp and oil pressure gauge in it. Same with most other performance cars. It would not be out of the question to think that something like a Land Rover would have real gauges in it, but they had already gone to a very mainstream soccer-mom market for the Disco I guess it's not exactly surprising.

dgi 07 07-02-2011 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by DarylJ (Post 255273)
People who see vehicles as appliances don't understand the difference or want real gauges. People who enjoy driving and pushing things to limits want real gauges .

Gonna have to agree with Daryl on this one. Sorry Spike. Real drivers actually look at their guages and notice, oh, my car is running a lil hot or a lil cold today. Real drivers note rpm, temp, etc. Soccer moms dont and only notice when the sh!t has hit the fan and their vehicle is running like sh!t. and sorry to say, our trucks are soccer mom vehicles with extraordinary capabilities.

Spike555 07-02-2011 09:45 PM

Originally Posted by DarylJ (Post 255273)
Don't paint with such a broad brush.

People who see vehicles as appliances don't understand the difference or want real gauges. People who enjoy driving and pushing things to limits want real gauges.

Every Porsche I've owned had a real temp and oil pressure gauge in it. Same with most other performance cars. It would not be out of the question to think that something like a Land Rover would have real gauges in it, but they had already gone to a very mainstream soccer-mom market for the Disco I guess it's not exactly surprising.

We are not talking about you or me, we are talking about 98% of people who drive, they just do not care.
Personally I would love to have a real oil PSI and engine temp gauge as well as a voltmeter on the dash, and I want mechanical gauges too not electric.
But I am going to use the big cover the side of a barn in one stroke brush and say that 98% of the people who drive do not care.

I dont know why you think a Land Rover is so special that it demands extra or special gauges, its not a high performance engine, hell, the Defender didnt even have a tach until recently.

My point was and still is that 98% of the people who drive a car just do not care.

DarylJ 07-02-2011 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by Spike555 (Post 255288)
We are not talking about you or me, we are talking about 98% of people who drive, they just do not care.

No, "we" are talking about you saying that ALL temp gauges in ALL cars are fancy dummy lights.

Originally Posted by Spike555 (Post 255288)
I dont know why you think a Land Rover is so special that it demands extra or special gauges, its not a high performance engine, hell, the Defender didnt even have a tach until recently.

I can't believe I have to explain this....not all performance is based on an engine. Mid to late 80's Isuzu Trooper IIs can give a Disco a run for its money (stock trim to stock trim) in a lot of typical conditions. And it has a pathetic 4 banger that basically makes it hazardous to merge onto a highway in. It's about having the right suspension, weight distribution, gearing, and sufficient low end torque.

As for gauges, I didn't say it needs "special" gauges. I said that it wouldn't be a surprise if it had real gauges in it, except for the fact that they started markting it to soccer moms.

janderso 07-05-2011 04:32 PM

I could'nt agee more-nice reply. I'm dealing with the same issue now and know the complete history of my Disco. I was recently told by a rover mechanic to replace the thermostat. I understand that these tend to last only a couple years-cheap plastic. I'll do that first then have the radiator pressure tested.

Good luck

MrFlea 07-06-2011 01:23 AM

Geezis man lighten up.....what got your undies in a bunch? Peopel come here to learn about their cars and what they can do to solve problems. All I see here is one problem YOU!. If you don't want to reply in a civil mannershut down the putter and go play PoGo or what ever you do. Remamber Mom and Dad will be home eraly and if the tower is hot they'll know you've been on line again. :eek:

dgi 07 07-06-2011 06:52 AM

Originally Posted by MrFlea (Post 255747)
Geezis man lighten up.....what got your undies in a bunch? Peopel come here to learn about their cars and what they can do to solve problems. All I see here is one problem YOU!. If you don't want to reply in a civil mannershut down the putter and go play PoGo or what ever you do.

He is always like that. Just try to ignore him.

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