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Best4x4 07-26-2017 01:48 PM

Yep I've placed plenty of orders online thru Ebay & I've ordered stuff thru Erik as well. A long time ago when I ordered some bumpers, a skid plate, and a lift it got delayed. Erik explained the situation & then even sent me an awesome little care package afterwards to make up for the delay and some small missing parts.

I'm in the industry where we install new parts daily on multiple types of equipment and a lot of stuff is DOA out of the box. Same goes with any electronic part for an automobile. Sometimes it can be DOA out of the box as well.

I will continue to use Lucky8 for my LR needs & nothing but good things to say about em here.

treadhead 07-26-2017 03:46 PM

Wait a sec... the thing threw codes, repeatedly, and your son continued to drive it? Until summer? There's your problem, and there's why your cats went bad. Your/your sons fault, not the vendor.

The lack of common sense these days is astounding.

ZGPhoto 07-26-2017 04:38 PM

If you bought a tire that was made improperly, went flat, and you drove it for 5 months, would it still be the supplier's fault that you need a new wheel?

austinlandroverbill 07-26-2017 04:43 PM

If my "drama" helps keep even one other person on this forum from going thru what I went thru believing that I had two good brand new coils when both in fact were defective, then I am OK with that.

I have no idea whether any of their other coils on the shelf from that same vendor are bad (and I am guessing they don't know either), but with this knowledge, will you take that chance? If so, then put your money where your mouth is and go buy a couple of those coils, pull the upper and low manifold to install them and then let us all know how it goes. Or will you instead go to a different distributor or even better, not go cheap at all (like I did: I can admit my mistakes) and spend a little more for genuine Bosch next time? I know I will once my 13 year-old Bosches finally give out.

BTW, I just got an email from eBay informing me that LRPARTS has 6 of these coils remaining and 12 people watching, so there's still plenty of opportunity for folks to show their faith that what happened to me was just a one-in-a-million anomaly.

And contrary to their claims otherwise, Lucky8 dba LRPARTS to date has never responded to my request for a refund thru eBay or Paypal, has not offered a refund via other communications nor has any refund ever been posted to this point back to my account. So if they are claiming that, then that is simply not supported by the facts.

So to those naysayers, go ahead and try the "brown acid". What could possibly go wrong.

ArmyRover 07-26-2017 04:56 PM

I'm sorry but in another thread here on this very forum you have said this and they publicly offered to issue a refund when you return them. Even posted a screen shot.

Your not warning anyone or trying to do anything for the community you are just lashing out.

I have bought from parts from them before and will again. Did you order this part number ERR6045?

austinlandroverbill 07-26-2017 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by Alex_M (Post 613933)
Sounds like you're being a bit of a drama queen, mate. Despite what society thinks, the customer isn't always right and the people who run a business you purchase from are not your servants.

Its very common knowledge that L8 doesn't operate on the weekends and you will NOT get in contact with them outside business hours. I would be the same way if I ran my own business.

Furthermore... If you can't test coil packs without installing them, how do you expect them to be tested before reaching you? I also don't understand why you sunk all that money into more new parts when you had the old coils there for free. That would be diagnostic step #1, especially knowing that the problem arose right after replacing a part. Duh!

You also let your son drive the truck to school and drive it for a whole semester knowing the damage it was doing to the truck. Dude, what the hell? This is a "don't be stupid, stupid" kind of situation.

I've had plenty of dealings with Erik and Justin, and never once has one of them been negative. In fact they've gone above and beyond multiple times and I will continue to use them as often as possible in the future. Saving up to buy some gears from them right now.

Don't take out your own impatient, prissy, self righteous attitude on them. You're not as important as you think you are and you're slandering your own name more than you're slandering theirs.

Good thing you don't run your own business. Rule one of every successful entrepreneur is that EVERY customer interaction is a learning opportunity, good or bad: in fact you learn 10 times more from mad customers than happy ones. Partner and I sold a successful electronics parts business last year (my third exit in 30 years), customers WW (but 80% US), took calls at any time day or night, returns no-questions asked. I dealt with customers like me, ergo no sympathy. Again, good thing you don't run your own business.

Drama queen? perhaps. But if you have you ever done the coil packs, then you know what a total PITA they are to swap out in their "as designed" location and why I intentionally avoided doing that as a first step once they were in-place.

As I stated, by my own admission, I tried everything else -- including changing wires 3 times -- before biting the bullet and pulling the coils. And when I did, I was determined that they were never going back to the "as designed" location: that's why I went ahead and got LRNJ01's absolutely brilliant coil relocation kit, so I would never have to to go back to that "hellhole" between the manifold and the firewall.

I guess Lucky8 has a lot of discount codes to give out to friends to defend them; unfortunately, I can't offer you the same. Remember, I had nothing but a great experience with them until these coils: I rebuilt the entire engine with mostly their parts.

And what's with the 'mate? Are you an expated Aussie that's been banished to southwestern Virginia? If you're not, then maybe "dude" or even "a-hole" would have been more appropriate. Perhaps I am not the only prissy, self-righteous member in this forum.

Best4x4 07-26-2017 06:16 PM

I've used Rock Auto & Ebay D2 coil packs vs the OEM bosch coils & I've never had any issues. Removing the intake manifold isn't bad at all unless you have SAI which does make it a little more time consuming.

I've done it at least 6-10 times now and it's faster vs denting your HVAC lines & tearing your hands all to pieces!

I agree in the other thread I saw Lucky8 try to consult you on a refund stating to return the coils for a refund...

I know a lot of folks that "lie" and say a part is defective and request a new replacement without sending the old one back. 60% of the time the customer is actually scamming a company for another part for free... Not saying your doing that, but I agree with Lucky8's policy 100%! Return your defective coil pack for a refund or no return no refund!

austinlandroverbill 07-26-2017 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by Alex_M (Post 613933)
Sounds like you're being a bit of a drama queen, mate. Despite what society thinks, the customer isn't always right and the people who run a business you purchase from are not your servants.

Its very common knowledge that L8 doesn't operate on the weekends and you will NOT get in contact with them outside business hours. I would be the same way if I ran my own business.

Furthermore... If you can't test coil packs without installing them, how do you expect them to be tested before reaching you? I also don't understand why you sunk all that money into more new parts when you had the old coils there for free. That would be diagnostic step #1, especially knowing that the problem arose right after replacing a part. Duh!

You also let your son drive the truck to school and drive it for a whole semester knowing the damage it was doing to the truck. Dude, what the hell? This is a "don't be stupid, stupid" kind of situation.

I've had plenty of dealings with Erik and Justin, and never once has one of them been negative. In fact they've gone above and beyond multiple times and I will continue to use them as often as possible in the future. Saving up to buy some gears from them right now.

Don't take out your own impatient, prissy, self righteous attitude on them. You're not as important as you think you are and you're slandering your own name more than you're slandering theirs.

and to clarify: what I meant to say was that there is no easy way to test the coils in vitro on the engine without putting the whole darn thing back together and turning it over. If someone has a technique that doesn't require that, then I am all ears -- and will eat my humble pie.

Hopefully, the factory in Shenzhen where Lucky8 is getting their packs has a test set where they can at least perform some basic QA/QC exercises on them, much less any ALT, before shipping them, though they usually won't even do that without strong "encouragement" from their US customer (trust me, I have spent the past 6 years as a partner in a business that utilized an offshore contract manufacturer, and you only get product as good as you are willing to invest your own oversight into).

austinlandroverbill 07-26-2017 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by Best4x4 (Post 613982)
I've used Rock Auto & Ebay D2 coil packs vs the OEM bosch coils & I've never had any issues. Removing the intake manifold isn't bad at all unless you have SAI which does make it a little more time consuming.

I've done it at least 6-10 times now and it's faster vs denting your HVAC lines & tearing your hands all to pieces!

I agree in the other thread I saw Lucky8 try to consult you on a refund stating to return the coils for a refund...

I know a lot of folks that "lie" and say a part is defective and request a new replacement without sending the old one back. 60% of the time the customer is actually scamming a company for another part for free... Not saying your doing that, but I agree with Lucky8's policy 100%! Return your defective coil pack for a refund or no return no refund!

I assure you that trying to scam Lucky8 out of $50 is not worth my time, and I still have not seen any correspondence from them to me thru the legally binding transaction platform we consummated our purchase on (eBay) indicating any willingness to refund/replace these coils. I can also generate correspondence that you would have no way of knowing whether it was actually sent/received or not and then post it here claiming "look what I sent them: see I told you they're not being sincere or responsive or whatever".

The fact that they are actually representing this fantasy (to me) correspondence I have never received as "genuine" only casts further doubt for me as their trustworthiness as a vendor (something I hadn't had until just now seeing how so many of you are taking their "oh, we tried to work with him" bait) -- and it should for you too.

My goal in all of this has only been to try and keep others from having the same "bad brown acid trip" I had. If I just wanted a refund or new coils, don't you think I would have been all "sugar and honey" instead of going totally "danger Will Robinson"?

Their lack of concern/ownership about the potential of selling further defective coils is what you should really be concerned about. If I were Liucky8, I would want these coils back right away to see if: 1) they really are bad; and 2) if they are bad, why and do we (Lucky8) maybe have a problem with the rest of the coils stocked on our shelves that perhaps shouldn't be shipping them.

Think about it gentlemen.

ArmyRover 07-26-2017 07:30 PM

So the part number was ERR6045?

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