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Danny Lee 97 Disco 05-25-2011 05:36 PM

One option is to get the alarm ecu or whatever it is called from the same vehicle as the main ECU came from. You can get stranded and have an unstartable Rover if you ignore the ALARM system!!!!

Danny Lee 97 Disco 05-25-2011 05:37 PM

If anyone is super knowledgeable regarding the LR security system, I wish you would let us know. I would love to totally disarm that thing.

moomoo 05-31-2011 09:00 PM

just a little update....finally whew finally got my new brain from the nice brown truck today....tomorrow I will bolt her in hopefully she starts right up and I will reluctantly because I don't want to part with the $120 drive her to the dealer 25 minutes from my house. I have from now until then to make peace with parting with the money and I will try to tell myself that at least they will throw the book at her and give me a read out of what I might need to look at besides the brain. Cross my fingers that they flash it correctly...dealership trust issues.... :)

Savannah Buzz 06-01-2011 04:41 AM

I bought a 97 Disco that had very high idle speed, like 1500 - 1800 rpm. Change IACV to no avail. Could not get ECM to "re-learn" the new IACV. Got ECM and a dirty IACV from the salvage yard, swapped them together, and it works great. ECM was about $40 at the yards around here. Perhaps I was lucky that day...

Danny Lee 97 Disco 06-01-2011 12:38 PM

If you can get an ECM for 40, that is great to have a s a spare.

We need a project team to tackle ECM issues. I know we got some techies out there that could attack it. Someone step up to the plate.

moomoo 06-02-2011 05:20 AM

I was going to take the rover to the dealer yesterday but the tow truck took so long I had to call and cancel...going to do it today for sure....I used the old brain just long enough to get it out of my back yard and to the curb in front of my house and put the new one in. I put her in neutral and then I couldn't get the key out so I thought that was obviously because it was in neutral right so I put it back in gear and in park and still I couldn't get the key this part of the alarm system? when I get her reprogrammed today will I be able to get the key out of the ignition?

Rovin4life 06-02-2011 05:55 AM

no its separate. if it gets stuck you have to wiggle and jiggle and then take the shear bolts out of the thing and get it to a locksmith to get fixed.

Danny Lee 97 Disco 06-02-2011 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by Rovin4life (Post 249397)
no its separate. if it gets stuck you have to wiggle and jiggle and then take the shear bolts out of the thing and get it to a locksmith to get fixed.


The shifter has a plastic wood grain piece on the top, pop that out and make sure the cable is tight. If it is slack from being stretched or the shifter is not fully in park, there is a solenoid that does not release the key. No locksmith needed!!! Read the RAVE>

moomoo 06-02-2011 07:27 PM

thank you I got it out in the morning and then stuck again hehe watched the service manager at the rover dealership play with it till he got it out also...I will pop the plastic and make sure that bolt is tightened....also I will need to get in there some how and lube that area sorry really tired brain is running on fumes....I could not sleep last night. Maybe it was the thought of the rover going in for brain surgery hehe....went to bed at four and 6 thirty I finally said screw it and got up and had two double shots of esspresso called the tow truck at 9 a.m.

tow truck showed up around 11 they only have one flat bed. Got to the dealership and waited two and a half hours before they rolled the computer out to it and took them more time to hook up the machine than it did to flash her. 2:30 pm I was out of there. The engine runs really good now ahhh now for bigger and better things....when they said it was an adventure I had no idea...

so the PO did something with the steering and I haven't straightened the wheel out yet sits at a 45 degree angle when you are going down the road. That aside the steering is not tight at all and a couple of times it started shaking so bad...the tires are practically new so I know it isn't that....maybe the tires are misaligned...any ideas....did it a couple of times I was going around 60 scared the crap out of me....after the second time I couldn't wait to get off of the free way to find an alternate rout home so I could drive slower....

they were tearing up one of the roads and I got behind six or seven cars and a bus and she starts to overheat...Oh Geez fourth time I have gotten to drive her. I pulled into the first drive way I could nice little house with a three car garage....and I am looking under the hood it has gotten really hot but it doesn't look like hoses there is fluid looks like from the overflow....I am thinking it is the thermostat....and I see this guy walking a dog up from a big side yard of green grass and I don't really think it belongs to this house....and unlike a guy having car trouble in my nicest high stranger voice I say hello how are you doing? He mumbles hello....and as he is getting to his door he says " that is what you get for buying a foreign piece of sh%!t..he growled at me and I almost didn't understand what he was saying and I turned to look at him...and right before he slammed and locked his door he says "get that F#$KN thing off my yard"....

I said as nice as I could because I have grown a lot that I would do that....but later I thought I should have asked him if he kissed his boyfriend with that mouth :) Is this a normal reaction I ask. What is with people!

I let it cool a few minutes put some antifreeze in and the temp gauge was in the middle for the four miles to home. Not a problem.

So one problem solved and a couple more present themselves....the thermostat at least I am hoping it is that well that shouldn't be too difficult. The tire thing well that may be something else entirely....but you know...for less than two hundred dollars I got another ecm in her and she is reprogrammed and running well no spit no fart and for my two cents that is progress, I can be happy about.

Danny Lee 97 Disco 06-03-2011 12:30 AM

Your adventure has just begun my friend. Look underneath and see if that little crossbar is bent, that will offset the steering wheel as you describe, happens if you let it fall off a jackstand~!

Overheat can be a disaster for these aluminum engines!

You also have the DEATH WOBBLE. There is another current thread on that aspect.

Have fun with it. Hope you got lots of disposable cash available as well.

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