Cruise Control Issue...
Cruise Control Issue...
I recently bought a 2000 Disco II. So I am trying to right all the wrongs the previous owner did. It came with a stack of service records so quite a bit of maintenance repair has been done. It has 112,000 miles. My latest issue is the cruise control. The dash switch lights up but I cannot get the unit to set. I have checked fuses and such but cannot find a visible problem. My 3 amigos are on, can that affect it?
The most common hose to have a vaccum leak, as Spikementioned, is the hose is located on the passenger side behind the battery. The hose is short (1' or so) and can usually be repaired by clipping the hose end. If that doesnt work you might have a leak further down... But that 1' hose is a very good place to start.
That was my original leak and clipping the hose worked for about a year. Now I've got one somewhere else, so the search is on...
That was my original leak and clipping the hose worked for about a year. Now I've got one somewhere else, so the search is on...
Cam-buy this stuff and Wal-mart and goop up all the ends of the vacuum lines.
Thats what I did, gooped all the connections let it cure overnight, gooped again.
that was 3 years ago and the cruise still works.
Thats what I did, gooped all the connections let it cure overnight, gooped again.
that was 3 years ago and the cruise still works.
Cam-buy this stuff and Wal-mart and goop up all the ends of the vacuum lines.
Thats what I did, gooped all the connections let it cure overnight, gooped again.
that was 3 years ago and the cruise still works.
Thats what I did, gooped all the connections let it cure overnight, gooped again.
that was 3 years ago and the cruise still works.
edit: This is without my cruise on, my cruise can't maintain a steady speed.