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Old 04-15-2009, 10:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Suede
For free rover parts? YES. In a heartbeat. It's a no brainer. I'd just hop a train to a neighboring state and get a new license. If they wanted to buy my rover parts for me, I'd gladly give em my $25 piece of plastic. That would be an outstanding deal in my favor. Sign me up...
hmm I think you missed the point of my analogy..ok let's try again..would you give up your license AND give up your right to drive in any state....or nation (yeah I know what you were about to say) or habitable planet (wasn't even thinking that one were you?)
Old 04-15-2009, 11:14 PM
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Originally Posted by NiteTrain
hmm I think you missed the point of my analogy..ok let's try again..would you give up your license AND give up your right to drive in any state....or nation (yeah I know what you were about to say) or habitable planet (wasn't even thinking that one were you?)
Even better. That way I get to save the transit fees for a new license, as well as the licensing fee itself. Considering that driving without a license is a finable civil offense, and I've never had an accident, nor been pulled over since I was first licensed in 1984 - it's still a great deal in my favor. In the event I was pulled over without a license - then I'd be fined. THAT is easily a risk I'd take for free parts. Even moreso considering that I'm just not likely to be pulled over in the first place. But even if I finally was pulled over -a $200 fine vs the cost of Rover parts? I still come out WAY FAR ahead! Again, sign me up!
Old 04-15-2009, 11:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Suede
Even better. That way I get to save the transit fees for a new license, as well as the licensing fee itself. Considering that driving without a license is a finable civil offense, and I've never had an accident, nor been pulled over since I was first licensed in 1984 - it's still a great deal in my favor. In the event I was pulled over without a license - then I'd be fined. THAT is easily a risk I'd take for free parts. Even moreso considering that I'm just not likely to be pulled over in the first place. But even if I finally was pulled over -a $200 fine vs the cost of Rover parts? I still come out WAY FAR ahead! Again, sign me up!
Driving without a license? Ahh, so you admit that defying the government can sometimes be in your best interest. Maybe you and the government of Texas have more in common than you think.
Old 04-15-2009, 11:56 PM
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Originally Posted by NiteTrain
Driving without a license? Ahh, so you admit that defying the government can sometimes be in your best interest. Maybe you and the government of Texas have more in common than you think.
If Gov Perry forgoes all Federal Aid and sticks to his philosophical beliefs as opposed to being hypocritical? Then He and I have A LOT in common and he'll receive my FULL support. But if he half ***'s it and cherry picks federal govt. funding, then he's a hypocrite looking to score political points - and in that event we have nothing in common and I would not be supportive of him. The ball is in his court. I'll wait to see what he ultimately does before I decide if he's no more than another political hack - or a true visionary.
Old 04-16-2009, 07:36 AM
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Just another republican upset about the way the election went. I'm sure many Texans agree with him, until the money is being divided. I wish the federal govt. would say, "ok, fend for yourself for a while". Until Texas, and every other state that's made similar coments come crawling back on their hands and knees. Besides, Texans would be pissed if the fed. moved the border patrol to Nebraska.
Old 04-16-2009, 10:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Suede
It's been that way for damn near 50 years now. I've just been scratching my head trying to figure out what's finally made people wake up now. It's not like there is anything new going on. It's all old hat now. while he's at it, he should turn down national highway funds, matching mass transit funding, matching education funding, matching medical funding, and the list goes on. If he's really truly fed up with Washington, then he should just stop accepting all Washington money. Why just cherry pick?
Transportation funds are a return of taxes we paid Washington. The funds Perry turned down are for governmental funds that change or modify programs that Texas would have to start funding when the federal money runs out (the strings). The one thing Perry supports that most of us here in Texas do not is privatization of highway building which makes public highways turn into toll roads when expansion is complete. There have been numerous new highways built that are toll roads. Many of us believe that just a 5 cent addition to the gas tax would provide ample revenue for expansion of highways. The federal government is out of control and we need to send many congressmen home. Would you take the free Rover parts if the federal government told you if you did you could not drive your rover on the weekends and for personal use?
Old 04-16-2009, 12:48 PM
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All the political feelings aside, think about it from a business standpoint. You run a Land Rover parts store and you realize that your competition is easily outselling you, as a matter of fact you're in major debt because of your business decisions. You take a look at what your competition is doing and you see that, for example, they do not charge tax (or very little tax) and they offer free shipping (we'll call it no state tax in the world of politics). Because of this, your competition makes HUGE profit and people love their store. So what do you do??? Do you continue to run your business the WRONG way that hasn't worked in years. OR do you change your business plan to better match that of your competition, which is thriving?? Now call me crazy, but when I see that something is failing, I'm going to be looking at what works and what works well. And in the case of Texas, they way they run their state clearly works.

Now, Gov. Perry and all his Jib-jab might be worth while, but then again we thought the same thing about Obama. I dont care what any politician says, I just look at the real FACTS, something they cant hide. And the fact is, what Texas does WORKS. Its not rocket science.
Old 04-16-2009, 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by grussell
Would you take the free Rover parts if the federal government told you if you did you could not drive your rover on the weekends and for personal use?
This goes right back to my original point. Why is this all of a sudden so important to people when it's been going on for damn near 50 years. The federal government has long had strings attached to the money they allocate to the states. Where were all these folks who are now jumping up and down crying the sky is falling - when the Feds threatened California with withholding highway funds if they legalised marijuana? It's almost comical to see these folks out with protest signs, that are the very same folks who have traditionally complained about those who protest in the first place. They simply look foolish. It's as if they've just awakened from a long slumber and got a cold slap in the face and can finally see reality.

Washington has run amok for quite a long time now, yet these folks had previously chosen to stick their head in the ground and just pretend it wasn't so. Now it's difficult to take them seriously because it's like round #9 of a 12 round fight and they've just realised that the other guy has been beating their **** to a bloody pulp since round #3 and just maybe it's might be time to fight. Well I've got news for them, the time to fight was in rounds 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8. But now they wake up in round #9, almost completely disabled - and they want me to feel sorry for them because they CHOSE to play the role of the 3 blind mice during the time when they actually could have done something about it? I don't think so. I preference just letting them get a taste of just what others have been so concerned with for quite some time now. Give em a little dose of all the derision they've dished out over all those years. Simple fact is the horse left the barn a long time ago, and they should have thought about trying to put a saddle on BEFORE it was running wild on the countryside.

I can't stand the hippity dippity bleeding heart left wing liberals, NOR the hang em high right wing wacko nutjob conservatives - because in the final analysis they are EXACTLY the same. A bunch of sheep who are led around by the nose who just aimlessly wander through life waiting for the next dominoe to fall so they can complain about it. BOTH are do nothing types who cede control of their pesonal lives to others - and then whine incessantly when things predictably don't turn out the way they want. I guess now that they are protesting they can be called non patriots. That is how that works right? Protester = Non Patriot. At least that's the BS they've been shoveling all these years....

As far as the rover parts? I'd take them because they were offered for free. I don't look to the govt to tell me what I can and can't do. If they decided they wanted to try to monitor the usage of my private property, then it's simple - I'd take my Rover - chalk full of the free parts they gave me, pay a visit to Matson shipping, and set sail to New Caledonia - or some other place with less intrusive tendencies. My relationship with the govt is a 2 way street. As long as we can work productively together, then I'll participate in the partnership. The second they try to take advantage of me, I'll seek out a new partnership elsewhere. What I will never do is just blindly follow the orders and instructions of an entity that so obviously does NOT give a damn about my best interests. It would be complete and utterly ignorant for anyone to do so. But that doesn't stop the sheeple from doing just that very thing under just those very circumstances.....
Old 04-16-2009, 04:13 PM
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Suede - feel free to leave anytime. The government already tells you what you can and can't do. They're called laws.
Old 04-16-2009, 05:50 PM
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[QUOTE= The government already tells you what you can and can't do. They're called laws.[/QUOTE]

It's only illegal if you get caught.
Seat belt law, do you were your seat belt? Would you if it were not a law?

The laws dont tell use what to do, they tell us what NOT to do. If you didnt have laws this would be Somalia, if you dont like our laws then move there, they drive Rovers over there too.
Dont drink and drive, its the law.
Dont kill people, its the law.
Dont sell drugs, its the law.
Are these laws good or bad?
Yes some laws are stupid, but whatever. You cant buy adult toys in Alabama, good law or bad law?
In Michigan it is illegal to leave your alligator tied to a light pole on a public street, good law or bad law? (yes it is a actual law)
Remember elementary school? How much would you have learned if the teacher didnt set the rules and enforce them?
We need laws.
All of this political nonsense has been going on forever, its just now we have sore losers and racists who are wanting attention.

I have no use for extremists, extremists blow up buildings, extremists set fires, extremists do things totally unrational.

Bush had no strings attached to the bank bail out money, look what happened, they paid themselves huge bonus and didnt lend any of the money.
Give a kid $10 and send him to the candy store and he'll buy $10 of candy.
Give a kid $10 and send him to the candy store but tell him he can only buy 2 candy bars and he'll buy only two candy bars.

It's my money and I will tell you how to use it, if you dont like it then dont take my money.

You dont like my car, dont ask to borrow it.

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