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Old 09-03-2014, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by KernowDiscovery stated by the man that said 'There will never be unity or worldwide peace as long as man is in charge.'

I used to think I wanted children when I was in college and the sky was the limit, the future looked bright and rosy and the options were endless. That was in the late 80's and things were good. One boy and one girl.. named Spencer and Christiana. Yes, I already had names picked out - lol.. although no love in my life and my mountain biking buddy told me that I sounded like a holy roller (as well as a narcissist as the names were close to my own). My parents never pressured us to have children or to get married - I think they were more interested in making us independent professionals and figured the rest would follow. I'll never forget the lecture I was given when I was 24 by my mother telling me that 'life is all about choices and it's those choices that lead us on our path in life'

Nope.. I never got the talk about the birds and the bees just 'choices are very important, yada yada yada'. I think that was the LONGEST car ride I've ever had to endure in my life. Not something I want to repeat. It's also interesting to see how my mom reacts to bumping into my old classmates and finding out that they have children that are graduating from high school or going off to college. It's like a chapter was missed somewhere along the way - as if she says to herself 'where did time go?..' Bittersweet? I don't know...

I do have faith in the great creator and found it to have strengthened even more after this past year (I realize we have different views on this Offroad . It's just hard for me to think about dying and leaving children here to deal with the mess our society is creating. I feel a little guilty at times that I didn't give my parent's grandchildren and neither did my sister. It really is an insecurity in me that I wouldn't want to bring another life into this world unless I could protect them and know that they would live a long, wonderful life. I'm not trying to be depressing, just stating that it's something within me that prevents me from completely trusting this world to be the host I would want for my offspring. Hence why I don't watch the news as much as I used to, why I tend to stay away from political discussions, why I cocoon as much as possible and try to create a haven at home.

I'm really sorry that you had to experience your wife passing Offroad. Thank you for sharing that. My husband also battled an aggressive form of cancer in 1989/1990 and was part of an experimental study in London. I feel very fortunate to have him in my life today.
Hi KD, having children is a very personal choice and shouldn't be influenced by anyone else. I know many who have no children and it's not selfish or anything else it's a personal choice. Children can be very uplifting or be very disappointing and social status and their upbringing has no bearing on how they evolve.

As for my former wife, sadly we were soulmates but we were parted by ovarian cancer which to a greater extent is incurable and aggressive. It was the worst six months of my life from diagnosis until she died followed by another 5 years + of mental anguish and physical recovery which is when I took up motor-racing again to fill the void with no respect for my own life or the risks.

These days I have little respect for many people but I never wish them harm and detest people hurting or harming others in whatever name or cause. The world is the pits of a place wherever one looks and no I don't watch the daily news on TV or read the daily papers as the news is either total trivia or depressingly horrible. I prefer the solitude of ignorance in some cases. The problems in life some might say are self generated but that is bunkum as one cannot dictate events such as health issues and well being. Life is a lottery and bringing offspring into the world is extending the lottery beyond personal control and may well end in disaster in some cases. I tend not to cocoon myself but do and play at what suits me only and never take the optimistic view of anything these days which then avoids disappointments or worse. Hence I'm a pretty cold cookie and very sparing with feelings and emotions. I leave pragmatism for the pragmatists as they seem to have the time for the philosophy of life, the world and everything whilst shunning the actual realities.

As for trust my father said something very true and deeply sincere "never trust anyone until they demonstrate otherwise but still be very wary of them"

PS. I remain a confirmed atheist hence I prefer to stay away from the religious or faith discussions.

Stay lucky KD and be happy

Last edited by OffroadFrance; 09-03-2014 at 03:23 PM.
Old 09-03-2014, 06:42 PM
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I apologise to you guys if I seemed a bit incoherent this evening but I'm absolutely spent this evening/tonight after cutting down 3 mid to large trees, trimming them, logging and stacking them. It's now 01.35am and I'm turning in for the night as we have a long(ish) drive early tomorrow. not by choice on my part I can assure you
Old 09-03-2014, 09:01 PM
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Originally Posted by OffroadFrance
I apologise to you guys if I seemed a bit incoherent this evening but I'm absolutely spent this evening/tonight after cutting down 3 mid to large trees, trimming them, logging and stacking them. It's now 01.35am and I'm turning in for the night as we have a long(ish) drive early tomorrow. not by choice on my part I can assure you
No apologies needed - your honesty is refreshing Offroad and again I'm sorry to hear that you had to go thru that.

To save us both from slipping into the deep abyss let's talk about something nice like wood choppin', shall we? Now there's nothing like fresh air and hard physical labor to make one incoherent. Who needs hops when there's good ol' sweat? Have a good trip wherever you're going tomorrow and be well
Old 09-04-2014, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by KernowDiscovery
No apologies needed - your honesty is refreshing Offroad and again I'm sorry to hear that you had to go thru that.

To save us both from slipping into the deep abyss let's talk about something nice like wood choppin', shall we? Now there's nothing like fresh air and hard physical labor to make one incoherent. Who needs hops when there's good ol' sweat? Have a good trip wherever you're going tomorrow and be well
Thanks for that KD, I'm not heading for the abyss quite yet

I had three hard physical days culminating in the 'I'm a lumberjack ................... etc escapade' and it nearly killed me and I still ache today

We went to Aubeterre sur Dronne today where we go a couple+ times a year it's only about 40 miles each way but very small winding back roads and needs lots of concentration. When we arrived there it was packed to the gunnells with Brit tourists and also a wedding party (mugs)

Aubeterre sur Dronne - Site officiel du village | Village touristique en Charente

It's a French 'beau village' and a very pretty place but we go there to collect meats from our butcher who imports the best cuts from England. It's also an excuse for a gastronomic meal at a favourite restaurant there La Taverne Pierre Véry - Aubeterre sur Dronne .. it's fantastic food and value €14.50 per head for 3 course lunch menu (plat du jour). plus drinks and coffees. Owned and run by a Dutch woman.

We had to rush home for 17.00 as my wife has the first evening of this year's (she's been going for 3/4 years now) Zumba dance sessions which she thoroughly enjoys. I don't know how she can jig about after that lunch today or where she finds the energy

It's funny though, one pushes themselves too hard even at my/our tender age then after a few days of hard physical work gets a sudden rush of extreme tiredness so we are having a couple of easy days now to recharge the batteries. Tomorrow we are at the coast, Royan Royan Tourisme - location vacances royan, hotel royan, camping royan, chambres d'hôtes royan , to loll around, pay some bills, have a light lunch and do nothing too special and maybe a walk for a couple of miles or so. Good this retirement game eh
Old 09-04-2014, 10:31 PM
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All very interesting. Huge sections of the workforce may be replaced by automated processes in the future. However, if so, more and more people will run out of work. Basic income is a stepping stone. With less income, people have less to spend, the demand of goods decreases...
Old 09-05-2014, 03:01 AM
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Originally Posted by LRScot
All very interesting. Huge sections of the workforce may be replaced by automated processes in the future. However, if so, more and more people will run out of work. Basic income is a stepping stone. With less income, people have less to spend, the demand of goods decreases...
It's already arrived LRScot, think of everything that is controlled by computers today and extrapolate that by 25 or 50 years. This film, an uncanny insight, was made in the 1970's and is being acted out today as we write. Fast forward 50 years and thats where we may well be. The world is changing very fast with computer controls, robotics and over population causing even more poverty. Even in your artistic sphere just think what can be produced by a computer, paintings, sketches, 3D modelling and general art, even modern music today is computer generated or mimicked from the basics or from sampling and repeating. Scary eh.

Old 09-05-2014, 07:11 PM
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I have to make a couple of quick comments on this thread. But first, a little background. I'm 54, married with no kids (not necessarily by choice but that's the way it is). I have been an atheist all my like. While I was born a Catholic, the minute I had my confirmation I turned to my parents and told them they were off the hook, no longer responsible to their god for me and aside from weddings or funerals, have not stepped foot in a church since.

The one thing I always keep in mind, in the face of the horrors we see today, is that we are in a period of information overload. Regardless of how remote or how relatively small an event, if it can get a rise out of us, it's spattered across the media. OffRoad and I were talking a few weeks ago about how badly wounded veterans are treated today. I reminded him that as bad as things are today they are infinitely better then they were fifty, a hundred or five hundred years ago.

Sorry but for to all the doomsayers I have to ask if they really would like to live without today's conveniences as people did in the Victorian Era or maybe during the Dark Ages when plagues far worse than Ebola decimated the population. It's all to easy to wistfully dream of a simpler, easier time but, frankly, that time never existed. Life has always been hard but so many of the life threatening elements for years past that would have taken us in what are now are our middle ages (40's-50's) have been wiped out.

The other thing I try to keep in mind is that mankind is a very new phenomenon on planet Earth. Sorry all you New Earthers, the planet is billions of years old (4.54 to be exact). We've been around as homosapiens for about 200,000 years. That's a blink of the eye. Nevertheless, we carry on, arrogantly as though the world was and is ours to do with as we see fit. That's not the case. This planet and millions of species will out live us with ease. I remember a comic saying that mother earth will flick the human race off the planet like a dogs shakes off fleas.

My point is the world is not ours and never was. We talk as though it is. It's ridiculous.

Frankly, what I can easily foresee is humans evolving into some sort of carbon/silcone based being. Ultimately, we may evolve into completely silicone based beings. I don't know if any of you are familiar with the writings of Ray Kurzweil but the Singularity is fast approaching and the way humans exist is about to change in ways heretofore unexpected.

While some may think the world is going to hell in a handbasket, I think the best is yet to come. We have to remember that the future is just that, something we don't have a firm handle on, something that we can only make predictions for. With technology, determination and ingenuity, I can't let myself fall into a trap of negativity. Too many amazing, positive things are happening every day.
Old 09-05-2014, 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted by KernowDiscovery stated by the man that said 'There will never be unity or worldwide peace as long as man is in charge.'
LOL !! There won't because there is a single creator and way..... and a hundred imposters with millions of followers saying.... this is the creator and way. War is inevitable Do you think Al-Qaeda or Isis are interested in peoples freedoms?

Not only that but the robot guys are rushing full speed into the future making, building, and creating whatever their imaginations think of. There is nothing to stop them. If there is money to be made..... somebody will take up the challenge, figure out how to do it.... and make a bunch of money.

BTW.... I used to be an atheist too. Strong and opinionated. And I never would have changed my position if I was not presented with irrefutable proof Offroad and Paul. Why did I change? How did I change? I had an encounter with a spirit and power that was completely foreign to my understanding.

But anyways.... I'm not a preacher.... I like you guys/gals just fine. I like everybody.... well, I try to
Old 09-05-2014, 08:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Senormac

I had an encounter with a spirit and power that was completely foreign to my understanding.
What did you take, ayahausca????
Old 09-05-2014, 10:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Paul Grant
What did you take, ayahausca????
lol.. I probably would have said the same thing a year ago Paul. I think spirituality is a very personal thing. My husband is an atheist and it's very hard for me to show him my spiritual side because he thinks it's a bunch of bunk. He tolerates it of me and I am no holy roller by any means (I don't go to church, I curse and have a temper and I wasn't raised in a religious family). But putting all of that aside there are sixth senses and occurrences that I cannot explain. I understand what Senormac means and I am in no position to dispute or laugh at what he has experienced (not stating that you are). Believe me, I know that what I am saying sounds fruity but if you experienced what I had this past year you may have a different take on things.

As far as technology is concerned, you are absolutely right in stating that we have advanced and are better off because of it. My husband wouldn't be with me today if it weren't for technology or a miracle drug. We wouldn't have had the same communication dating long distance either if it hadn't been for the internet. My entire life would be different. There are things, however, that I have to limit in order to maintain sanity and peace in my daily life. Balance and moderation is the key to any sense of well being.

Quick Reply: The future

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