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Old 10-02-2014, 12:59 PM
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I like you Slab – you’re hilarious I haven’t laughed that hard in such a long time… you know how Sears has the slogan ‘the softer side of Sears?’ Well you guys can just think of me as ‘the softer side of something’..

I can’t even fathom going on a date such as the one you described and to take an innocent to such a movie! That’s some deep stuff there.

Your story reminds me of an old friend of mine who, in his younger days, went running in 90+ humid degree weather (wearing a plastic garbage bag and other oddities) and took a girl out to the movies that night. He got sick in the theatre from heat stroke, vomited all over her and then was rushed to the emergency room. Lol.. I shouldn’t laugh but he was a fool like that. Very obsessed with his looks and physique to the point of stupidity. He also told me that I was too picky when it came to men and when I told him about my date with the popcorn throwing engineer (as I literally cried on his shoulder later that night in my apartment) he said to me ‘You stayed for all of that? I would have walked out right there and then!’ It was bittersweet advice, however, as I was trying to ‘get over him’ by ‘advertising’ myself and he had a hard time with me moving on (he would call me at restaurants and have me paged to see how my date was going and this was BEFORE cell phones). He wasn’t an available man you see. He could make me laugh, however, like only a couple of people in my life can, and I am thankful for the time that I knew him.

Film making 101? You’re not the only one to fail a class – I failed ‘ice skating’ and believe it or not I used to play ‘ice hockey’ but not on a 'professional' level - just girls having fun. How does it happen? Seriously.. how does this happen?.....

It’s a rainy day here in my little ol’ city. Wishing it was nicer and I had a picnic packed and was out enjoying conversation and colors in the Rover right now


Last edited by landlover_1; 10-02-2014 at 01:02 PM.
Old 10-02-2014, 03:26 PM
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Sweet baby Jesus.
Old 10-02-2014, 04:24 PM
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Originally Posted by ZGPhoto
Sweet baby Jesus.

I'm kind of scared.. where do I go after that comment? I don't want to be lectured, I just like to have fun...

PS.. when are you guys going to put out the next Rover Mag? I need some good reading and funny photos

Last edited by landlover_1; 10-02-2014 at 04:28 PM.
Old 10-02-2014, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by ZGPhoto
Sweet baby Jesus.
Who's this Jesus guy ZGP ............ does he drive a D2 Landrover everyone seems to talk about him a lot
Old 10-02-2014, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by landlover_1
I like you Slab – you’re hilarious I haven’t laughed that hard in such a long time… you know how Sears has the slogan ‘the softer side of Sears?’ Well you guys can just think of me as ‘the softer side of something’..

I can’t even fathom going on a date such as the one you described and to take an innocent to such a movie! That’s some deep stuff there.

Your story reminds me of an old friend of mine who, in his younger days, went running in 90+ humid degree weather (wearing a plastic garbage bag and other oddities) and took a girl out to the movies that night. He got sick in the theatre from heat stroke, vomited all over her and then was rushed to the emergency room. Lol.. I shouldn’t laugh but he was a fool like that. Very obsessed with his looks and physique to the point of stupidity. He also told me that I was too picky when it came to men and when I told him about my date with the popcorn throwing engineer (as I literally cried on his shoulder later that night in my apartment) he said to me ‘You stayed for all of that? I would have walked out right there and then!’ It was bittersweet advice, however, as I was trying to ‘get over him’ by ‘advertising’ myself and he had a hard time with me moving on (he would call me at restaurants and have me paged to see how my date was going and this was BEFORE cell phones). He wasn’t an available man you see. He could make me laugh, however, like only a couple of people in my life can, and I am thankful for the time that I knew him.

Film making 101? You’re not the only one to fail a class – I failed ‘ice skating’ and believe it or not I used to play ‘ice hockey’ but not on a 'professional' level - just girls having fun. How does it happen? Seriously.. how does this happen?.....

It’s a rainy day here in my little ol’ city. Wishing it was nicer and I had a picnic packed and was out enjoying conversation and colors in the Rover right now

Do ya want an even bigger laugh landlover-1. When I was younger (a short while ago that is) many girls said I looked like 'the' Steve McQueen , I never really considered I did. The most commonality with him, IMO, was I was a short *** like him but it was helpful being thought to look like him when 'pulling the birds' who were invariably treated like sh!te by me back then........................ But I'm a much nicer guy now .................. .................. honest ................

I can tell you some hair raising stories ................... but I won't (too embarrassing these days at my tender age ) ............... it would make your hair curl .............. ................... needless to say we often frequented a pub in Richmond, South London/Surrey called very appropriately ..................... 'The Birds Nest' ............ ............. them were the days, yeah
Old 10-03-2014, 07:43 AM
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Sounds like you need to raise the bar. Are you Canadian?

Originally Posted by landlover_1
Hm.. a personal ad. I have always thought the term to be such an oxymoron. Wouldn’t you concur, fishEH? Kind of like cruel kindness, but thank you for responding. You have tempted me to write more and define this peculiar juxtaposition.

Personal: of, pertaining to, or coming as from a particular person; individual; private. Intended for use by one person.

Advertisement: something that is shown or presented to the public to help sell a product or to make an announcement. A public notice.

So in this instance if I were to be writing a personal ad, the definition would be ‘a public notice, broadcast over the internet, intended for use by one person.’ That sounds about right

But seriously, if my thread was any type of personal ad I’m sure most of the men reading it would go screaming in the polar opposite direction. It has been many a year since I dared to be so brazen, and that was when there were polite ads in the back of a respectable newspaper, a time when the internet wasn’t widely known and just beginning to blossom. No Craigslist variety for this lady, no siree (insert appropriate name here), although for a good laugh I do browse them from time to time (shame on me..) Do people really do that?!?!?!?

Non.. my days of the personal ad consisted of men dialing a number and leaving their message for me to hear their voice and then I would weed thru the voices hoping to catch an artistic soul that I felt a connection with.

OK, so I’m lying. You caught me.

I will rephrase that sentence and start over again, yes?

Non… my days of the personal ad consisted of men dialing a number and leaving their message for me to hear their voice and listen to their credentials (gasp!) because that is what all respectable ladies were taught to do, right? Look for ‘the list’. Now, now….. before you go and criticize Ms. Slightly Crazy you have to admit that men have lists too. And if you don’t admit to that then I wouldn’t be able to call the kettle black now, would I? What type of list? Well, probably one similar to yours but without the shiny hella headlamps and a bodacious bottorf bumper

So the story goes….I met quite a few doozies. There was the guy whose father was a professor at Stanford. He met the list. He was an engineer, lived in the same city, his last name was French (no, that wasn’t on my list – just added that to see if you’re still paying attention and to see if Abran and Offroad are reading this). His idea of a good date was to draw on my jacket in crayon, throw popcorn in my hair and trade wallets to ‘learn all that we could about each other’. Hm.. ok.

The next engineer lived four hours south of me and wanted desperately to move up north to work and play. He was in a big rush for everything, had to meet me straight away and definitely had a list of his own which (I presume) many women didn’t meet as he ended up placing his own personal ad which ran for well over five years. Our ‘love affair’ was short – 2 big dogs (of the Labrador variety), an ice cream cone in the cab of his truck while he played 20 questions – 20 minutes tops (a question a minute) which I must have failed miserably. That must have been the prototype for speed dating. I hope he found what he was searching for.

Then there was the man who owned a car audio business who stood me up. That felt good and I do believe was the demise of my personal ad dating escapades. It turned out he had called me and cancelled just after I had left the office to meet with him (left a message with a colleague) but it was of little solace to my broken ego as I sat there alone.

And what did I learn from this list? I learned not to make a list, that loving someone isn’t about a list, it’s about how they make you feel and most importantly, how you can make them feel. To quote the late but great Maya Angelou ‘'I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

And when it comes down to it….‘ain’t’ that the truth?

Would anyone else care to share an item on their list that they found wasn’t too important going on down the road?.......Come on.. I know that you had a list. Consider yourself double dog dared – with ice cream of the chocolate dipped variety. Keep it clean please – no dog fur allowed
Old 10-03-2014, 10:11 PM
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Default eh? Not Canadian...

Oh it’s so cold, wet and rainy. And the ‘S’ word was mentioned for tomorrow It can’t be… it just can’t be.

I was so tempted to pack a picnic and take it out on the road today but the rain was nonstop and just plain awful dreary. It was a day when you look out the window wistfully and remember the golden days of just last week hoping that they will soon return. I do hope that there are a few more good days left before the leaves fall. I heard a little tidbit on the radio today that stated that people are the happiest when socializing in nature. I think that’s a fair statement seeing as for most on the forum that statement rings true - Rovers, off-roading, nature & like minded individuals.

So…speaking of Offroad… Steve McQueen… really? I can now put a face to the name. I sure liked you in The Thomas Crown Affair – you look so dapper in your Aran sweater and dune buggy and so much like the present day Jude Law. Did you know that Barbour created an entire clothing line based on your style in 2011? I’ve termed it ‘rugged elegance’ - quite fitting to you, methinks. No wonder you collected so many birds....

As for the bar, fishEH, I’ve given it some thought and you may be onto something. I think I may have confused the idiom to ‘raise the bar’. You see, whenever I hear the expressions ‘raise the bar’ and ‘lower the bar’, I think of limbo dancing. Yes, limbo dancing… you know, the dance where the bar is lowered, lowered so much so that only one man is flexible enough to walk under the bar and the one that can is the winner? If I were to ‘raise the bar’, I would be letting all men just walk in and there would be no way of seeing which one is the best, right? See how I could get confused? But then I start to think about the expression in a sporting sense and it means an entirely different thing. My mind often gets confused by these things. So perhaps I should take your advice and ‘raise the bar’ and hope that the next man that takes me out shoots for something big like a lunch/dinner out at Taco Bell or a picnic in 'da voods 'rather than splitting an omelette meal at the local 24 hour diner where alcoholics hang out. And you think I’m kidding…

Lol… I think my crazy meter just cranked up a notch . I wish that we could all meet up and talk in person. I’d really like that.

And with that said I’ll leave you tonight with some motor ****.. sweet dreams xx

Steve McQueen in ‘The Thomas Crown Affair’ buggy and Steve McQueen’s Baja Beauty (boy does she sound rough )


Last edited by landlover_1; 10-03-2014 at 10:16 PM.
Old 10-04-2014, 04:24 PM
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Trying to live by Carpe Diem. But hard too when im so tired. We drove the 04 "midnight" 1000 miles to South Florida hot cloudy wind blowing like crazy. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel like myself again.
Midnight new head gaskets performed amazingly. Probably averaged 75 mph sometime 80. No leaks all the coolant is still there , all the oil is good. Ac froze up a bit too humid and hot, ( yes landlove. It is uncomfortably hot windy and humid :-) )
I am so proud of the outcome.
Keep on I will write something legible tomorrow.
I do wish we could all meet a Rover thing and sit around the fire and talk face to face. I think we would all have a greaat time. I have spend a great part of my life outdoors.A camp fire at the end of the day makes whatever we did that day even more special and great memories.
Just sayin
Old 10-08-2014, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by landlover_1
Oh it’s so cold, wet and rainy. And the ‘S’ word was mentioned for tomorrow It can’t be… it just can’t be.

I was so tempted to pack a picnic and take it out on the road today but the rain was nonstop and just plain awful dreary. It was a day when you look out the window wistfully and remember the golden days of just last week hoping that they will soon return. I do hope that there are a few more good days left before the leaves fall. I heard a little tidbit on the radio today that stated that people are the happiest when socializing in nature. I think that’s a fair statement seeing as for most on the forum that statement rings true - Rovers, off-roading, nature & like minded individuals.

So…speaking of Offroad… Steve McQueen… really? I can now put a face to the name. I sure liked you in The Thomas Crown Affair – you look so dapper in your Aran sweater and dune buggy and so much like the present day Jude Law. Did you know that Barbour created an entire clothing line based on your style in 2011? I’ve termed it ‘rugged elegance’ - quite fitting to you, methinks. No wonder you collected so many birds....

As for the bar, fishEH, I’ve given it some thought and you may be onto something. I think I may have confused the idiom to ‘raise the bar’. You see, whenever I hear the expressions ‘raise the bar’ and ‘lower the bar’, I think of limbo dancing. Yes, limbo dancing… you know, the dance where the bar is lowered, lowered so much so that only one man is flexible enough to walk under the bar and the one that can is the winner? If I were to ‘raise the bar’, I would be letting all men just walk in and there would be no way of seeing which one is the best, right? See how I could get confused? But then I start to think about the expression in a sporting sense and it means an entirely different thing. My mind often gets confused by these things. So perhaps I should take your advice and ‘raise the bar’ and hope that the next man that takes me out shoots for something big like a lunch/dinner out at Taco Bell or a picnic in 'da voods 'rather than splitting an omelette meal at the local 24 hour diner where alcoholics hang out. And you think I’m kidding…

Lol… I think my crazy meter just cranked up a notch . I wish that we could all meet up and talk in person. I’d really like that.

And with that said I’ll leave you tonight with some motor ****.. sweet dreams xx

Steve McQueen in ‘The Thomas Crown Affair’ buggy and Steve McQueen’s Baja Beauty (boy does she sound rough )
Steve McQueen Thomas Crown Dune Buggy - YouTube
1969 Vic Hickey Steve McQueen Baja race truck - YouTube

Hey, Landlover_1, let's not overdo the Steve McQueen thingy eh, I hit 69 years old a couple of days ago and he's not of this world now. I always had a sneaking liking and admiration for him and especially his Corvair dune buggy which made me very envious. There are similarities and traits ............ I was as crazy as him back then but without his kind of dosh and I also smoke a bit too

I also play a real mean game of chess too

Sadly my 'bird' hunting buddy Alan died of cancer (skin melanoma) a few years ago ............. he was more reckless than me ................ he owned a boxing and wrestling gym in south London in his latter years. Still, you've gotta die of something sooner or later I suppose, pity .

I'll let you into a secret, I own 6 Barbour or Barbour type coats in various states of wear and disrepair. 2x green, 2x ocre, 1x tan, 1x brown ............ I've collected them over many years and never discard them 'cos they never wear out.
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